Monday, November 25, 2013


This week in AP Biology we reran our cellular respiration lab. We had tried to run it last week but unfortunately the lab went wrong. To begin the lab again we put the peas in water so they would germinate. Then, to prevent our lab going wrong from last time we hot glued the respirameters to the rubber cork they were supposed to be attached to. The next day in AP Biology we prepared for the lab even more. In the bottom of each test tube we placed a cotton ball and then put 1 mL of KOH solution on them. After that we placed a rayon ball which is considered a nonabsorbent cotton ball on top of them. The KOH solution attaches to the CO2 released in cellular respiration that way in the experiment you are only measuring the amount of oxygen consumed. We finally ran our lab the next day after putting 10 germinating peas in test tubes 1 and 4 and then putting dry peas and beads of equal volume in test tubes 2 and 5 and glass beads of equal volume in test tubes 3 and 6. We placed the repirameters on top of the test tubes and put them in water baths of 10 and 25 degrees Celsius. After a five minute resting period we began to take measure on the respirameters of the amount of data consumed. Unfortunately our data was very irregular and did not make sense. We attributed this to the fact that we moved the test tubes while they were in the water baths which caused the red dye at the top of the respirameters to leak out. In the end though the germinating peas consumed the most oxygen in the 25 degree Celsius water bath. The colder temperatures affected the peas because it slowed down the process of cellular respiration. 

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